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The king of herbs, Ashwagandha



Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera is a popular herb in the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It is a small shrub that belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is used in the management of different diseases and mostly as a nervine tonic. Ashwagandha is commonly called Indian Ginseng or Indian winter cherry. Ashwagandha is known for its Rasayana property. Rasayana is a herbal or metallic formulation that stimulates a youthful physical and mental state of health as well as happiness.

Ashwagandha is cultivated in dry regions of South Asia, Africa, and Central Asia. More than 50 chemical constituents have been isolated from different parts of the ashwagandha plant.

Benefits of Ashwagandha:

The plant is distinctly detected by its yellow flowers and red berries. The medicine is made from extracts taken from the root and leaves of the pants forming a powder. Moreover, the extracts contain many anti-oxidants helping a multitude of symptoms. It’s known as an adaptogen meaning it can adapt to stressors. Aiding the adrenal system by reducing cortisol to healthy levels. This prevents the immune system from slowing down. As well as reducing the amount of psychological and physiological stress attacking it.

How to Use Ashwagandha?

The important formulations of ashwagandha include:

· Asvagandhadyarishta

· Asvagandhadi Leha

· Balasvagandha lakshadi taila

It is also available in the form of tea, pills, gummies, or tincture. The roots, seeds, leaves, and flowers of ashwagandha can be used for medicinal purposes.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha:

The safety of the long-term use of ashwagandha has not been fully documented. However, the most common side effects of ashwagandha are:

· Nausea

· Diarrhoea

· Vomiting

· Stomach upset

The less common side effects are:

· Drowsiness

· Vertigo

· Cough and congestion

· Rashes

· Blurred vision

· Dry mouth

· Weight gain

· Hallucinations

Ashwagandha might also cause liver damage. It is essential to call your healthcare provider when you experience any side effects, particularly those consistent with liver damage like itchy skin or jaundice.

Interactions with Other Drugs:

It is essential to take precautions when using ashwagandha with:

·Barbiturates: Ashwagandha might aggravate the effect of barbiturates. Hence caution must be taken while taking this combination.

·Alcohol: It is not advisable to take ashwagandha with alcohol.

·Sedatives: Ashwagandha should not be taken with health products with sedative properties.

To make sure that ashwagandha does not interfere with other medications, it is essential to consult your physician.


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